Daniel German

Account Executive

Dan’s primary goal is to ensure a seamless transition with precision forecasting and open communication throughout the entire move process.

As an Account Executive with a focus on tech-oriented relocations, Dan has trained Central Moving’s team in IT disconnect and reconnect, including identifying computer equipment and forecasting potential conflicts in the new space. He is also the point-of-contact for clients and the move team during the relocation process.

Capital One: Dan is the lead Account Executive for this valuable client. He is responsible for overseeing all tagging, moving, budgeting, and scheduling for the client’s on-going needs, including the disconnecting and reconnecting of IT equipment.

Hoguet Newman LLP: Dan spearheaded the move of this international law firm, including the disconnect and reconnect of all IT equipment.

Fuze: Dan encountered several unexpected tasks and challenges during the move for this tech services company. Unflustered, Dan led the team to a prompt and successful relocation.

Dan has a BA in Political Science and History from Ramapo College. When not transporting high-value technical equipment and sensitive materials, Daniel is a ripening cheese aficionado and avid sports fan.